
What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a wonderful hands on healing, going back thousands of years e g Ancient Egyptians. I feel so blessed to have been attuned to certainly is life changing not just for me but for those that can be helped by it...This healing is a wonderful therapy and is all about energy, life force energy. As human beings we are energy, without it we would die.

Energy is around us, most people can't see it but we certainly can feel it. If you think of a mobile phone, we charge it up and switch it on and hey presto we call someone, but how does it work, we can’t see exactly how it does it but just know it worked as we made a phone call.

So you can think of it that way, I make a call to the universal life force energy to allow me to help the person that I am treating. It works and the person receiving the treatment will feel it in some way, all be it being totally relaxed, floaty feeling, tingling sensation, change in temperature and maybe some people feel nothing, it does Not really matter, just be assured it has worked.

It is life changing keeping the mind balanced, and when you are in this natural peaceful state, no worries, going with the flow, being positve. You will then start to attract things like positive people, abundance, prosperity.

Reiki helps you do that and it also helps the body physically like easing or controlling or in some cases taking away pain. I have had clients say their pain has gone, they said my hands were roasting. That always amazes me. Now it is not a religion, it's spiritual at least that's what I feel, not man made as other things are, so anyone can do it and learn it.

The History Of Reiki.

Energies are known in many names for example:
  • Sekhem
  • Seichim
  • Angel healing
  • Spiritual Healing
  • Hands on healing
  • Reiki
The latter being named by Mikao Usui who was Japanese. He was a very spiritual person, studied so much about the energy that is within us and all around us...He basically discovered the universal life force energy during his 40 days of meditation. During this period of enlightenment he was attuned to what is now known as Reiki.
Mikao Usui taught this form of healing to a few selected students and they went on to teach others. Originally Usui taught his students simply, simple is always best anyway. His outlook was for his students to learn mindfullness everyday. They had the 5 precepts or principles to learn.

It took his students years to learn everything. However as this healing energy was so effective the Japanese Navy wanted a quicker way to access is so Usui Reiki Symbols came about. This was necessary to treat there injured personelle. One of the Japanese Doctor's Dr. Chujiro Hyashi went on to teach a lot of students himself.

These symbols are sought after, people want to know them, well its not a problem knowing them. You see reiki is a part of us, I believe we were born with it and really the symbols are just a quicker way to connect.

I mean Mikao Usui taught himsef, he found his way through meditation and later went on to reveal the symbols that he found out about. There are lots more reiki symbols we don't know about as yet but i'm sure the energy will get them to us.

What Can Reiki Help With?

It helps with Physical and Emotional Issues or Problems, and sometimes people come along for a session and may feel that nothing has happened other than them being relaxed, well that in itself is great as being relaxed has lots of positive effects on the body, mainly positive energy flowing through it. Positive energy is so much more powerful and stronger than negative.

What Happens During The Treatment?

First of all the reiki practitioner needs to do a consultation just to get an idea of how they can help you. Once this is done you then lie on a comfortable couch, or chair and you simply just relax and listen to the soothing music that plays in the background.

The the practitioner will do one of two things, either place there hands on you at certain areas of the body, usually near the chakra centers and let the energy flow freely to where it needs to go.

Or some reiki healers will not touch you with their hands, they simply hover over and around you. Either works, but personally when I did healings I preferred to place my hands on the induvidual as I feel contact is good.

Infact I just usually placed my hands on the head area, so around the ears, base of the throat, on your shoulders etc. You see hand positions are not really important in my view anyway as at the end of the day, the energy knows where to go, knows what you need more than I could ever know.

And what is important form the part I play in this is my intention, it must be and is 100% unconditional love...I mean that, otherwise it won't work as well.

Now just so you know you should always be fully clothed and know that you are always safe and in complete control at all times. So Reiki if you like is a key which will allow me to connect with the various energies to help with different things for example the emotional aspect, or the physical aspect.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

There really is no limit to how many sessions you need, it is your choice and you will decide how many you need by how your body is feeling. As a practitioner myself at aster level personally I do reiki on myself most days, I know I am not perfect and should do it everyday, I do try to reach this, but somehow life seems to get in the way at times...

Available Now is Distance Healing Reiki(Reiju) Empowerments.

This is a very powerful and healing treatment. It can be done from anywhere in the world. I can send an empowerment to you when you want and where ever you live. I wanted to make this available to all so this is a great way to do it.

All that is needed is to arrange a date and time. You can email me @: and just give me a little bit of information first about the main concerns you have, then I simply connect with the healing energies and send them to you.

As I said above Reiki knows your body better than I do and knows exactly what to do for you and where in the body that needs the most help. So rest assured it works, think of this for a moment, How does the planet float in the universe, do you know the answer of exactly how that happens and how it was created... well we accept this and know it to be true, so this is the same for me doing a distance healing on is anywhere and everywhere all at the same time...

So if you decide to do this and receive a treatments from me you can also contact me afterwards to tell me how you feel.
One thing that is important is to make sure when we connect is the following:
  • You will not be disturbed, so switch of your mobile phones etc.
  • Make sure also that you are lying on a comfortable bed and are warm and cosy...
  • Have nice soothing relaxing music playing, to help calm and relax you.
Now once we have arranged the time that is suitable for both of us, I need to to do the above and also to just say the following words to yourself when you feel thought coming in as they will:

All I Have To Do Is Think Of Nothing...this is a powerful statement to say to yourself as it stops you in your tracks...Keep practicing this not just before reiki but as much as possible, it is a great way to relax you, because as human beings we have a HUGE ADDICTION that we suffer from and this is the ultimate thing by the way and it is BEING ADDICTED TO THINKING...because of this we become more stressed in our life and stops us from getting to know ourself a bit better...

How much does it cost?

The price is £10.00 for Distance Healing Reiki,helping you to have a more positive, happy and healthy life. Please use the button below. This will take you to my Positive Mind Hypnosis account where you will be able to make your payment for distance reiki.

A good thing for you to do after the treatment is to practice meditation.
Another great thing about Reiki is it is very compatible with other healing treatments and energies like Crystals, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Hypnosis. Really anything.

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